2016 Spring Picnic
- Details
- Written by Laura Million
- Hits: 2329
This year, the SLAGA Spring Picnic will be at St. Louis County’s Clydesdale Park. This is located near Lindbergh Ave. and Hwy 21 (Tesson Ferry) in Southwest St. Louis County.
When: Saturday, May 7, 2016, 10:30am - 4pm
Where: St. Louis County’s Clydesdale Park
9801 Green Park Road, St. Louis, MO 63123
See GC6DBHM for more information and to post your "Will Attend" log.
SLAGA will be supplying the hot dogs, brats, hamburgers and buns along with condiments, plates, napkins and utensils. We ask that you bring a side dish or other food to share and your drinks.
The prices will be as follows:
- SLAGA Premium Member Adults $5.00
- Non-Premium Member Adults $7.00
- Kids 5-12 $3.00
- Kids 4 and under free
Please post your "Will Attend" log as soon as you can with the number of people attending, your preference of meat and how many you'd like.
We will be having a 50-50 drawing (you must be present to win), Geo Bingo, Silent Auction, Travel Bug Table, the Ammo Can Toss and Closest to the Pin contest.
- 9:30 a.m. - Set up.
- 10:30 a.m. - Registration begins.
- 1:00 p.m. - Lunch begins.
- 3:00 p.m. - Silent Auction bidding ends and all games close.
- 3:30 p.m. - General announcements and business, Milestone Awards, Silent Auction and 50-50 winners, all game winners, and Premium Membership drawing.
Spring 2016 Milestone Awards
- Details
- Written by Laura Million
- Hits: 2303
Milestone Award Deadline
If you plan on reaching a geocaching milestone, 100 finds, 500 finds, 1,000 finds, 5,000 finds, 10,000 finds, or 25,000 finds by May 7th, get your Milestone registered to receive your award at the SLAGA Spring Picnic . Deadline to register is April 7! You must be a SLAGA Premium member at the time you reach your milestone to receive your award at the May 7th SLAGA Spring Picnic.
On the lower right side under “User Menu,” click “Milestones” and complete the form. It’s that easy. Only SLAGA Premium members will see the "Milestones" link. Basic members will not.
- Details
- Written by Major134
- Hits: 2648
What better way to start the New Year than to dive into GSAK. SLAGA’s Basic class was a tremendous success with over 30 cachers of all levels in attendance. Everyone learned new “tricks” that will ensure 2016 is their best year.
Kid Dylan, forever the math whiz, calculated that the total caches found by all attendees was 103,881. GSAK can’t be in better hands. Listen to just a few of the many positive logs.
Curious GEOrge3: A BIG Thank You to Major134 and Brantole. The course documentation with "by the numbers" instruction that included screen shots with red ellipses and arrows was incredibly helpful to me. I went through it several times prior to the class. I wouldn't have even tried GSAK without a class like this. Thanks again.
Kid Dylan: I want to award a fave, nothing short of awesome. thanks loads to everyone, especially the Major & brantole!!! great job
Mean Gene: I use GSAK a lot but still learned things I did not know. Thanks Major134 and Brantole for hosting this class and the professional looking handouts.
2015 Travel Bug Race -- finals stats
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- Written by Team_State
- Hits: 2718
Last Update: January 23, 2016
Cachesmas 2015
- Details
- Written by David DeWitt
- Hits: 3032

In honor of Brandt Teske, “87preludea20a3”, the TWELVE DAYS OF CACHEMAS ARE BACK!!!
Here’s how it works: For 12 days beginning December 14th (Day 1), a new cache will be published and every day afterwards until December 25th. If you are able to First to Find, FTF, one of these daily caches, an FTF Cachemas Ornament will be in the container for you to keep. As an added bonus, thanks to L Frank, the ornament can be converted to a cache container for a future hide. PLEASE, if you get an FTF on one of the 12 days, do not go for another one, let someone else have the fun.
Again, there will be a 13th Bonus Cache which can only be found by using the codes written on the inside of the container lid of each daily cache. Keep these codes and use them to solve the location of the 13th cache which will also publish on the 12th and final day, December 25th. In the process of locating the codes, you will solve the coordinates, believe me, it’s not difficult.
Have fun and remember to thank 87preludea20a3 in your log. He brought this great series to St. Louis.
FTF Cachemas Logs
Day 12 - moonchild1800 & diceman71. 5:25 am Co-FTF with diceman71 this was the best cache of the series. I had Christmas presents, real working Christmas lights a and unique hide. I got all I wanted for Christmas in this cache. Thank you TeamState for a great Christmas. It's about time!!!.
Day 11 - Trekto 12:30ish Squeaked in a First to Find and a beautiful ornament. (ornament by LFrank). Thanks brantole for the creative Puzzle and hide. Thanks Prelude for starting this fun madness. A Favorite.It's about time!!!.
Day 10 - LFrank 4:25 pm
get home, just before three, and notice the Day 10 Cachemas cache has yet to publish. I wanted to get the code, so I waited for it to publish. 3:06 pm the notification came up. I download it to my GPS, scan it real fast and notice it is a projection, so I grab Denmothers PDA and out the door I went. As I'm driving I look at the map and notice the first waypoint, to the multi, is at the entrance to the West County Mall. I must be effing insane to be going here after 3 in the afternoon. Why didn't they do this at 10am? So I arrive at the entrance, 3 million other cars, who also do not know where they are going, around me. I'm in the wrong lane...........U-Turn! I now find a parking spot, get out and head towards GZ. I'm looking for a peace symbol so it must be at the sign. I catch the walk sign and cross the traffic and talking to the mall police, who are directing traffic,to wishme luck. I get to the sign, no peace symbol and I have now passed up GZ. What the Eff is going on? I re-read the cache page. From the starting coordinates you must find the nearby
GEO-Poker in STL Parks
- Details
- Written by David DeWitt
- Hits: 3236
What do you get when you combine poker, Geo-caching, and hiking? Geo-Poker!
Come on out to the parks for a fun afternoon of hiking, poker, GPS and treasure-hunting!
Brought to you by the St. Louis County Parks.
Sunday, January 24 - West Tyson Park
Saturday, Feburary 20 - Lone Elk Park
Sunday March 20 - Queeny Park
Saturday, April 16 - Faust Park
Call 314-615-4386 to make reservations. $8 per person.
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