The Big Reveal...SLAGA's NEW MASCOT !
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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 630
In late April 2024, SLAGA put out a call for members to design entries for a new mascot and/or submit name choices, because a mascot helps engage the caching community and invites an atmosphere of fun on future announcements and merchandise. Fantastically, the SLAGA community answered that call! Over a dozen unique mascot designs were submitted and numerous names.
By July, all entries were submitted and it was time for the larger membership to vote. Those votes have all been tallied now, and the SLAGA board is ready to announce the new mascot/name and the mascot designer! A reminder, as a condition of entry, is that this winning mascot/name now becomes the property of SLAGA.
But before the big reveal, the board wishes to extend a huge THANK YOU to all those that participated by either submitting a design, a name, or by voting for the official mascot. The designer's 'award' is recognition and notoriety for years to come for having designed the now official SLAGA mascot.
So without further ado, the new SLAGA MASCOT AND NAME and the designer is:
Inaugural Adventure Awaits - Ending in a GRAND PRIZE Way!
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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 557
SLAGA's monthly challenge incentive has been taking place over the last 12 months. Adventure Awaits was launched in October 2023 with a simplistic challenge of finding 5 traditional geocaches and attending one event during the month. But the challenges increased in uniqueness and difficulty as the months progressed. They've provided a means to enhance the geocaching experience for members and inspired many geocachers to enjoy this fun outdoor hobby in a new and different way.
There are only a few days left for those wanting to complete this month's challenge (September '24), which is the final month in this inaguaral 'year.' This month's challenge is to find four St Louis 'theme' titled caches and one event. (Cache titles could include STL, Rt 66, Arch, Gateway, Blues, Cardinals, Forest Park, Queeny Park, Mississippi/Missouri Rivers, get the idea.)
To recap our past months winners, they are once again:
October '23 Rouseabouts
November '23 stevendede
December '23 Geokid12
January '24 3nina
February '24 Java1369
March '24 vorlon40
April '24 deancmeredith
May '24 MrsSpongy
June '24 Uga_Mom
July '24 brantole
August '24 Su&Sco
September '24 ???
Lucky for all us that participated, whether we won a single month or not, one of the original guidelines for the Adventure Awaits challenge stated that a Grand Prize Winner would be drawn from all qualifying monthly entries from October '23 through the September '24 and announced at the Fall Picnic. While some cachers participated all 12 months, and will get their names in the drawing 12 times, a few cachers were only able to submit qualifying entries one or more months, so they'll get their names in the drawing the number of months they participated.
Now that the time is near for that coveted Grand Prize drawing, join us at the SLAGA Fall Picnic to be held on October 19, 2024 at Kirkwood Park (GCAXXFZ), when the WINNER will be announced! Also during the picnic, a survey will be handed out regarding the SLAGA Adventure Awaits challenge. Please take the time to fill this out as it will be helpful in determing the future of this type of SLAGA incentive.
Remember folks...if you participated in any of the monthly challenges, your name will be in the drawing as many times as you entered. In the end it's the 'Luck of the Draw' that will determine the Grand Prize winner!. And that lucky geocacher will be awarded a $50 gift card!
A Sizzling Summer's 'Adventure Awaits' Win
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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 736
During the month of endless sizzling summer days, Su&Sco/Susan Bevis, with the help of her husband Scott, geocached her way to the August Adventure Awaits monthly challenge win! With the interesting challenge of finding an event cache plus five caches, one each starting with a letter in our group's acronym, she had her work cut out for her. But Susan made it look easy and qualified for her win with the following geocaches:

Some of Susan and her husband's favorite geocaches are: state oldest, FTFs, geoart, state stars, and puzzle caches. As with many cachers, Susan mentioned that geocaching has taken them to so many places they would never have visited if not for the game. In response to whether there was a memorable geocaching experience, Susan shared this story. "On a canoe caching trip at Lynnville Lake in Indiana, we pulled over to sit by a waterfall at the far end of the lake and take a break. Before getting back into the canoe, we walked over the falls to take a selfie. I slipped and fell breaking my right hip. The resulting evacuation by emergency boat and ambulance ride resulted in a partial hip replacement. This has slowed my pace, but not my enthusiasm." Sadly however, Susan did comment, "I can't count the number of broken bones that I have incurred" anymore.
Other interests of Susan's are photographing nature and grandchildren and spending time with her sidekick Scott, whom she takes geo-vacations with across America. She also enjoys reading, watching crime shows, and "even at my age, I still like to color with Crayolas, chalk or pen." She and Scott serve as greeters in church weekly. They also participate in several other Geocaching organizations and "enjoy meeting, talking, and geocaching with geocaching friends."
It was a wise decision to complete the August challenge, and enter qualifying caches, that led this duo to their sizzling win. Now the SLAGA community gets to extend a huge CONGRATULATIONS TO SUSAN AND SCOTT!
2024 SLAGA Travel Bug Race August Update
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- Written by Robert Klemme
- Hits: 483
Some position shuffling this past month, here are the current standings of the 2024 SLAGA Travel Bug Race!
A Spectacular July Win!
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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 716
"July is a POP of Color, a Burst of Sunshine,
and a Promise of Adventure,"
as is SLAGA's July Adventure Awaits Winner,
brantole (Lena Dowers)!
Congratulations to Lena on her spectacular win and gift card prize. She began geocaching on the 4th of July 2010 and was immediately hooked. She chose to participate in the SLAGA monthly challenges because they keep her motivated to go out geocaching. Lena commented, "I have been participating since the beginning when I was still working full time. Work made it difficult for me to find time to geocache. Sometimes the only caches I did find for the month were the five caches necessary to complete the Adventure Awaits. Now I am working part-time and my cache finds per month have increased! I like the variation of the requirements for each month."
Lena has over 5000 geocache finds and 32 hides. She has completed her Fizzy challenge, geocached on every day of the calendar year (366 days), and cached in 5 different World Countries. It might surprise some geocachers to know that Lena's favorite type of caches are gadget caches. Her least favorite are Earthcaches. She loves tree climbing caches, but doesn't much care about getting First to Find.
Thankfully that was not a requirement for July's challenge. Instead, it was finding caches with at least 5 favorite points (FPs) and all qualifying finds had to add up to more than 40 FPs. During this July, Lena knew she would be traveling to visit family which would make it very easy to qualify. She was also on a 'mini' mission to find a lot of multi geocaches and most of her multi cache finds had significant favorite points attached to them which also helped. Her challenge entries included:
GC74ZB6: 50 Souvenirs Challenge (17 FP)
GCJVBR: Round Mound of Sound (19 FP)
GC947FC: Cascade- Goodbye 2020 (20 FP)
GCWMDF: West of the Mississippi in Illinois (37 FP)
GCAN2WG: SLAGA Summer Picnic 2024
When asked about her most memorable geocaching adventure(s), Lena expressed her thorough enjoyment in doing the extreme caches placed by Forest Ghost, such as Grant's Fear Factor and The Architect. ("Thanks Ethan!") She also fondly remembers some great geocaching road trips through the years. But said, "Although all the road trips have been a blast, I am truly thankful I took one with my mother driving up through IL, IN, and MI into Canada in 2016."
Lena is a fearless, fun and friendly geocacher and no doubt awaits more spectacular geocaching adventures, not unlike every SLAGA monthly challenge which holds a promise of a new adventure. Join the fun and find and submit your entries for the August challenge soon.
2024 SLAGA Travel Bug Race July Update
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- Written by Robert Klemme
- Hits: 503
2 months in and first place distance wise is still sitting pretty. However, much like summertime, things are still heating up!
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