MOGA 2025
The Flint Hills Geocachers are proud to be hosting Midwest Open Geocaching Adventure (MOGA) 2025. Founded in 2004, MOGA has based competitions with its origins in orienteering. MOGA we are going back to the Basics with a simple MOGA weekend.
Registration and MOGA website will open up in Janurary.
The weekend is scheduled to be an eventful one:
Join us for a fun weekend
Friday, March 28th
Launching into History: 10am -10:30am - TBD
Welcome to MOGA 2025: 6pm - 8pm - TBD
Saturday, March 29th
MOGA - at Sterl Hall 8am to 4pm
8am - MOGA Central opens (Vendors, Information booth)
8am - Individual and 2 person Team Competition *
9am - Raffle opens
10am - Trivia Round 1
12pm - 4 Person Team Competition **
2pm - Trivia Round 2
3pm - Turn in of all Ticket pulls and Games
4pm MOGA Central Closes
Sunday, March 30th
Return of Farewell Breakfact: 9am - 10:30am TBD
* Individual Competition - For those who want to compete individually we will have 30 locations available and 2 1/2 hour to find as many as possible.
** Team Competition - For those who want to compete in the 2 person or 4 person team event, we will have 30 locations available and 2 1/2 hour to find as many as possible.