Post-Valentine's Family Game Night
Bring your dinner and bring a game! Board games, card games, dice games? All types are welcome! Let's have some good old fashioned family fun because aren't we all just one big Geocaching family? Depending on how many we have we can break up into a few different tables so everyone can pick their favorite to group up & play. Feel free to note in your will attend if you're bringing a particular game. You are welcome to bring a snack to share if you would like.
We've also got dartball, cornhole, & ping pong on site if you feel like a more active game. These are stored away in the closet unless there is interest.
Come share the love with your SLAGA family!
Location: Church of the Reformation-Lutheran, 7910 MacKenzie Rd, St. Louis, MO 63123 (Can also access from Oakdale)
Park in the rear lot and follow the coordinates to the fellowship hall rear door.
End time is just a suggestion, we can stay & play for as long as we want!