National Pluto day - Penguin event


Pluto Day is celebrated annually on February 18 to commemorate the anniversary of the discovery of Pluto in 1930. The 'planet', known for the tiny size was discovered by astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. Pluto was considered one of the nine planets in the solar system, but has since been downgraded to a dwarf planet.

But since we just passed Valentine's day, lets not forget to mention Pluto's heart.The heart-shaped feature, called Tombaugh Regio, is approximately 1,000 miles across. Making it potentially the largest heart in the galaxy!


Join us for another fun event at everyone's favorite place




Location: Sybergs


Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm


We should just in front of the stage or near the door, at the big table


hey we all get a smile today, right?


Anyone is welcome to attend! Events are a great way to meet fellow geocachers, learn about geocaching, and get involved in the geocaching community.

Event Caches last at least 30 minutes and are open to anyone. We will post the event for 1 hour, We will probably be there early and stay a bit later if things go as usual. (Bragging rights to whoever gets there first.)

 Plan to share stories and photos of any caches you may have found lately. Found a new favorite? Gone on any trips? Anything planned for the future? Need a hint on a pesky puzzle?  

There is plenty of parking near the area

--------As always here is a brief disclaimer----------


If you are sick/show symptoms/ have a medical issue or are considered at risk, please be smart and stay safe .
We all want to get out and have our old lives back but everyone needs to be careful and be safe.


There is no cost to attend this event ?????

Location information

Sybergs Dorsett