Geocaching 101: For Families
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- Written by David DeWitt
- Hits: 2792
A geocaching class for the whole family!
Have you wanted to get your family more involved in geocaching? Or maybe you have friends with children who would enjoy geocaching ...
This is the event for you!
Led by an elementary school teacher ... Geared towards children understanding the sport ...
Meet at the Forest Park Visitor's Center in the classroom. Saturday Sept 6, 2014 -- 10am - 12pm.
Candidates for SLAGA officer election
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- Written by David DeWitt
- Hits: 2715
SLAGA members,
I am pleased to present you with the candidates for SLAGA officer election. The election will close on August 31st, 2014. If you have note received your ballot please contact SLAGA officers through the "Contact Us" form.
ArthurAndTrillian Michael Rogers
Team_State Kathy DeWitt
Vice-President (Remember to vote for two (2))
Eravau Tony Colter
How-D Bill Lange
Major134 Pete Shaw
rainman-rwb Ray Bernacki
sgtmta Michael Allison
swelgus Sandra Welgus
2_Cats Laura Million
Gone2theDogs Martha Koeller
Kimberteacher Kimberly Balek
Kimberteacher Moonchild1800 Wendy Neal
SLAGA President Resignation
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- Written by Kathy DeWitt
- Hits: 3307
Wendee Scott-Dells has resigned as President of SLAGA for personal reasons. According to the SLAGA Bylaws, upon the President’s resignation the two Vice Presidents are to serve as co-Presidents for the remainder of the term. Consequently, Tony Colter and Michael Allison will serve in this capacity until a new Board is elected in the fall.
Busch Wildlife/Weldon Springs permit manager
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- Written by Kathy DeWitt
- Hits: 3510
We have a new contact for geocache permits at Busch Wildlife/Weldon Springs.
Mr. Raenhard Wesselschmidt
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
phone: 636-300-1953 ext. 4132.
We will try to get a blank permit to have posted in the permits section (lower left side of web site)
Milestone Awards
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- Written by Michael Allison
- Hits: 3362
Winter Potluck and Cabin Fever 2014
- Details
- Written by Kat of Wheelinb and Cindy of JC_Geo
- Hits: 2952
What's the cure for Cabin Fever? The SLAGA Winter Potluck, of course!
The Cabin Fever torch has been handled with the utmost care for the past several years, and Mrs. RGS has now passed it along for the upcoming event. We will do our best to carry on! Please join us for SLAGA's Winter Potluck, which is well-known as a day of fellowship, story-telling, and overall fun time. And there is caching, too!
We can always count on a wonderful variety of delicious of food: main dishes, side dishes, salads, cookies and desserts. When you log your "Will Attend" please include a headcount as well as what food item(s) you plan to bring.
While it was necessary to find a new location, we luckily were able to keep the event within the confines of Jefferson Barracks Park. The new location has room for up to 150 people. Accommodations include 33 6-foot tables, 150 chairs, and a small kitchen. Please plan accordingly as no dogs are allowed inside the new venue.
•Where: Jefferson Barracks Visitors Center
•When: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM (doors open at 10:00 AM)
•Date: Saturday, January 25th, 2014
•Who: Everyone! This is a potluck so please bring a dish to share. Bring your own drinks as well.
With our new venue, we may not be able to carry out as many activities as in past years. We will still offer up the Travel Bug table, GeoCoins table, and GeoCaching bingo. Please bring your canned foods or non-perishable items as we will have a drop-off spot for those wanting to donate to the St. Louis Area Food Bank. If you have any ideas for other activities that don't take up a lot of real estate, please let us know. Stay tuned to this cache page for future updates on activities!
We look forward to getting together again this winter and talking about caches we have done, caches we want to find, and swapping stories of caching experiences. There are many caches in this park, and we also expect to see some new ones pop up. We would like to focus on fellowship, reacquainting ourselves with old caching friends, and getting to know new cachers who we hope will join us for this event. This is also a primo opportunity to invite local land managers or parks department managers to come out for some food and friendship. It's a nice time for them to meet local cachers. This is a token of our appreciation for letting us play in their parks.
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