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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 1221

SLAGA 2023 Travel Bug Race November Update
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- Written by Robert Klemme
- Hits: 987
Here are the current standings in the SLAGA Travel Bug Race:
SLAGA Fall Picnic 2023
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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 1015
Fall brings beautiful shades of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns into the fading greens of nature. SLAGA was blessed with hints of color at our Fall Picnic at Cliff Cave Park on Sunday, October 15, 2023. While the day started a bit damp and chilly, it changed quickly as the sun started peeking through the dynamic cloudy sky. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the gorgeous afternoon, the delicious shared food, the fun and games, and good conversation with fellow geocachers. The new SLAGA board members and game winners were announced, and geocaching milestone winners congratulated!
Hosts StormRider22 ( Laura) and jray131 (Jim) did a terrific job organizing this fun afternoon gathering. Lunch was a feast to behold, indeed. SLAGA provided the buns, hamburgers, brats, and hotdogs, which were perfectly grilled by volunteers Turtleladi1020nHubbs (Lynette and Mark), and the rest of the food was brought and shared by all the attendees.
The new SLAGA board looked a lot like our past with President Michael Smith (cootie_man) still at the helm, assisted by our vice presidents Robert Klemme (GeoKid12) and John Layman (vorlon40), and our treasurer Nan Dabler (nan-d1955). We bid farewell, with tremendous thanks, to our outgoing secretary Melissa Pierce (socibutte), and a big welcome to our newly appointed secretary Susan Adams (Treasure Isle).
Susan has been caching since 2012 and has over 5000 finds in 12 countries and 32 states. She's not adverse to trying all kinds of terrains and enjoys finding Interesting caches. In a brief interview, Susan stated that her one sister (from Virginia) introduced her to geocaching while on vacation in 2012. She said, "Initially I cached only when I was with her, so I picked up maybe 4-6 caches per year. After I retired, the 'Mystery at the Museum' game by Geocaching HQ in 2019 caught my eye. I had so much fun doing it, that I’ve upped my game since then. I enjoy hiking with my local muggle sister, and she lets me pick up a cache or two when we’re on the trails. I’ve also enjoyed the friendships that I’ve made through geocaching." We are thankful and lucky to have Susan on the SLAGA board this term.
SLAGA 2023 Travel Bug Race October Update
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- Written by Robert Klemme
- Hits: 812
Here are the current standings in the SLAGA Travel Bug Race:
ADVENTURE AWAITS - October Challenge LIVE!
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- Written by Robert Klemme
- Hits: 843
The long awaited Adventure Awaits monthly challenge is now live! Here in October we're starting things off with a simple challenge. You must find 5 traditional caches and attend an event (any kind of event). Once you have accomplished this you may enter your name, caching name, and the GC codes of the corresponding caches & event into the form which can be found on the home page.
ADVENTURE AWAITS - A New Monthly Challenge
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- Written by Terri Nealon
- Hits: 1087
SLAGA is introducing a new monthly incentive for all members in hopes of promoting this interesting game of geocaching and encouraging more membership engagement. Adventure Awaits is a monthly challenge that will post on the home page of the SLAGA website on the first day of every month starting this October 2023. Those that complete the challenge, submit an entry form, and prove to qualify for the month's challenge by the last day of each month, will have their name entered into a drawing for that month's prize. After twelve months, one grand prize winner will be drawn from all qualifying monthly entries as well. SLAGA is excited to bring this new addition to the St. Louis Area Geocaching group.
The guidelines for SLAGA's Adventure Awaits monthly challenge are as follows:
- This new monthly challenge is open to all SLAGA members, basic and premium.
- Each month's challenge will be posted on the official SLAGA website home page on the first day of each month.
- Geocaches found and events attended must be within the month of the current challenge. No finds logged/events attended during a prior month are permitted.
- Participating members must complete and submit the Adventure Awaits entry form by the last day of the current month in order to have their name entered into that month's prize drawing.
- After each month, at the next SLAGA officers meeting, one winner will be drawn from all qualifying entries for that month's prize. The winner will be notified.
- One grand prize winner will be drawn from all qualifying monthly entries from October through the following September. The winner will be announced at the SLAGA Fall Picnic.
- Rules are subject to change by the SLAGA Officers.
SLAGA is providing a new means to enhance the geocaching experience for members with this new monthly challenge incentive. Check the SLAGA home page on the first day of each month, starting October 1, 2023 and start enjoying this fun outdoor hobby in a new challenging way.
Adventure Awaits your participation!
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