SLAGA Road Trip - Decatur IL
- Details
- Written by Laura Million
- Hits: 2853
SLAGA Road Trips
Decatur IL
When: August 21 - 23, 2015
Trip Leader: Laura Million
Depart from Location: Collinsville, IL: Walmart Parking Lot
Depart date/time: August 21st 7:00 PM sharp
Approximate return date/time: August 23rd 7:30 pm
Actual departure and arrival times will be finalized when we know who is interested in going.
Join us in August for an "End of Summer" road trip to Decatur IL. We will meet with CIGA members for breakfast at the Downtown Decatur Cafe on Saturday Morning 7am. See event page for more information at: After breakfast we will do the "Country Roads Take Me Home" series just southwest of Decatur. There are lots of quick country caches and lots of urban caches to please everyone.
If interested, contact Trip Leader, Laura Million (2_cats) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
SLAGA Officer Nominations
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- Written by Laura Million
- Hits: 2702
Time is running out to nominate capable people to run for office on the SLAGA board. If you believe that you or someone you know would make an excellent SLAGA president, vice president, secretary or treasurer, then log on to the website and submit your nomination before the Summer Picnic on July 12th. The nomination page can be accessed by clicking on the SLAGA Officer(s) Nominations link in the gray "User Menu" box along the right side of the home page.
Once all of the nominations are gathered, they will be organized into a ballot that will be sent to our members at the email address associated with their account. Completed ballots must then be emailed back by August 31st in order to be counted. Next year's board will be officially announced at the Fall Picnic.
A Life Too Cool: Celebrating JoGPS
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- Written by David DeWitt
- Hits: 2709
As many of you know, Joe Armstrong, better known as JoGPS, passed away quietly at his home this week. Joe's contributions to Geocaching and this community are so numerous that it becomes difficult to even acknowledge them all, much less to do justice to them, but we are going to try. The MTGC has secured Joe's favorite pavilion at Nashville's Warner Park to host a tribute to "Da Man", our own JoGPS on July 18th, 2015.
A Life Too Cool: Celebrating JoGPS
Saturday July 18th
"It's about the number of friends you make. The number of smiles you get, while you are just walking around; it's all about just having a good time." - Joe Armstrong
SLAGA Road Trip - Evansville IN
- Details
- Written by Laura Million
- Hits: 3528
The first SLAGA road trip was to Evansville on May 1 thru May 3. We had 8 people, in 2 cars. I don’t think any of us know how many caches we will be able to log. This was a challenge cache trip. In the Evansville, IN area there are about 180 challenge caches. We signed a lot of challenge caches and a lot of traditional caches.
Now we have the fun of logging all the challenge caches. We had a meet and greet at Cracker Barrel for breakfast and met a good group of Indiana cachers. It was great putting some faces with some of the names on the caches that we were finding.
This was a great way to get to know other cachers. We had lots of laughs and found lots of caches. Made a wrong turn or two; one car made several wrong turns, but we won’t mention any names. Right Trekto?
I was sad when it was over and looking forward to future “SLAGA Road Trips”
Flash In The Pan -- Pi day March
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- Written by David DeWitt
- Hits: 2798
It was a brisk Saturday morning at Eravau's Pi Day Flash mob on 3-14-2015. There was a great attendance, so much as to get the local park employee to come out and join us in the festivities.
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