Fifth Annual Slurpin Soup Event
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- Written by Denmother
- Hits: 2813
Winter “BLUES” getting you down? Well how about some first class EAGLE WATCHING, great food, and great geo-fellowship in a drop dead gorgeous location high above the Mississippi River? Join us for the Fifth Annual Open House MEET AND GREET anytime between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm Saturday, January 12 at the VILLAGE OF THE BLUE ROSE located five miles north of Clarksville, Missouri. Dining room seating is limited so there will be no specific 'start' time and you are welcome to stay as long as you like. Gourmet soups, chili, fresh bread, and drinks are available for a tax-deductible donation.
Favorite Caches in SLAGA Territory
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- Written by Denmother
- Hits: 4050
Due to increased interest in the "Best of SLAGA," Elonka has put together a list of the most popular caches in SLAGA territory by type of cache, based on Favorite Points. This list includes all active caches, no matter when they were placed. Enjoy!
Virtual Caches
Created On: 12/12/2012 23:31:42
* St. Louis Arch Virtual Cache, bjbest and Big Jimmy, GC7ED
* RT66:IL-MO - Above the Trees & Mississippi Cache, Myotis, GC2258
* Firefighters Memorial, cwa219, GCEBC8
* Rolla Monuments, thunder, GC52E5
* The Oak Ridge Tour, Rod & Shelby, GCE6FF
* Tom 'n' Huck Cache, TomNHuckleberry, GCE32C
* Schnurbusch Karst Window, thehairyhillbilly, GCD672
* The Iron Curtain, BruceS, GCBA2C
* Mark Twain, Believer, GCA8E6
* Lady of the Rivers, Island-Dave, GC356F
* Expensive Real Estate, BruceS, GCA9DE
Puzzle Caches
Created On: 12/12/2012 23:24:35
* Treasure Island, MOGA, GC2PBKB Archived
* Mysterious Treasure, L Frank and Denmother, GC3BQJZ
* Rock 'N' Roll, rixart, GCP21H
* Holy Water Cipher, Supersteen, GC2N3F0 Archived
* Bigfoot!, That Old Biddy, GC3GAWK Archived
* Mr. Cotton's Parrot - MOGA Booty, MutherAndSun, GC2HJ08 Archived
* This is a SHARPIE CACHE!, CDS231, GC17MRWArchived
* Popeye Returns, L Frank and Denmother, GC33NWW Archived
* Tilting Redux, dougieniles, GC18MGY
* Alphabet Soup Challenge - Missouri Style, Arthur & Trillian, GC2CCVM Archived
Created On: 12/12/2012 23:24:05
* Citygarden Tour, Strider, GC2AX7Q
* High Ridge (1st St. Louis cache), Thomas and Monica, GC116
* Moving Cache, Myotis, GC1D0F Archived
* Pirates' Treasure, Mean Gene, GCA2E
* 911 Memorial - Fenton, RGS, GCY8VZ
* Bluebird Triangle, Mean Gene, GC4E60 Archived
* Flags Of Our Fathers, Chod, GC1A14J Archived
* Shelter and Cedars Multi-Cache, 57chevy, GC17B3F Archived
* Main Street Nano Tour, vineyard20, GCW6TH Archived
* A Tale of Two Parks, RGS, GCJQQM Archived
* Mail Order Tour of Webster Groves, RGS, GC8230
* Whitecliff Cache COurse, GC30F7, Crestwood Parks & Recreation, GC30F7
* Olde Creve Coeur #1 - The Cabins, walkingstic-stl, GC277T7
* Global Cache, Mean Gene, GC266A Archived
* "The Beverage Garden", CDS231, GC10PNY
* Lustron Home Tour of Webster Groves, RGS, GCR589
* Shaw Nature Reserve History, Candyce54 and Walkingstic-stl, GC29Z3Q
* The name is BOND, Shadrach Bond that is; CDS231; GC11XBF
* Please No Fires, Island-Dave, GC3F0A
* Follow the Yellow Brick Road (QR-Code Multi), SleepingCamels, GC3MQ43 Archived
Traditional Caches
Created On: 12/12/2012 23:23:07
Sorted by favorite points, as of 12/12/12:
97, I'm Soooo Confused, L Frank and Denmother, GC15R7J
78, Great Kaskaskia Dragon, Rome263, GCHWFZ
52, A GRANADA BISON, Happykraut, GC16171
41, I Spy Academy, Off Looking and MapRat, GC24TVE Archived
39, Cruisin', RGS, GCCD87
39, I-64 Westbound Travel Bug and GeoCoin Hotel, That Old Biddy, GC3AYHA Archived
38, Animals Always, Strider, GCWDXC
36, Rockin' on Route 66, Rex Havoc, GC1G43E
36, 4 2, Strider, GC2GB77 Archived
32, Wehner Hollow, backprop, GC33Z65
32, The Title says it ALL, Thunder_monk, GC1MNGG
31, Treasure on Tate Island, FullQuiver and Ooga Booga, GCGT0N
30, This Cache Has No Title, Taisch & Blue Monkey Crew, GCCD0A Archived
30, Stark View, Strider, GC25RYA
30, Wicked Witch of West County, stewy1966, GC305X9 Archived
29, The Pullet Surprise, steve.n.erin, GC3JQPK Archived
28, BYOW, 87preludea20a3, GC2F97K
27, House of Sven Travelbug and Geocoin Hotel, That Old Biddy, GC3CWGV Archived
26, At the Crossing, Samm~, GC1E36T
25, Rainy Day Cache, CDS231, GC11KY4
25, Wheel of Fortune, 87preludea20a3, GC2G5PE Archived
24, WILLARD'S WORLD FAIR, SAWVenice, GC21H2G Archived
24, Ulysses' Micro, Didg Guy, GCKQD0 Archived
24, Rocky Hollow Creek, Didg Guy, GC14N9Y
23, Blue Star Travel Bug Hotel and Cache, cubs, GCKC79
23, Puzzled Bird, L Frank and Denmother, GC3V771 Archived
23, RFPD Dog's Delight, TeamCooper/5Foxes/RFPD, GCNT2V
SLAGA Welcomes Its New Board of Directors
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- Written by Denmother
- Hits: 3276
SLAGA's new Board of Directors was installed at the SLAGA Fall Picnic on September 29, 2012. Congratulations to:
President - Wendee Scott-Dells (DELLSF4M)
Vice President - Michael Allison (sgtmta)
Vice President - Nathan Rover (NateDawgCC)
Treasurer - Jim Nelson (Quailman2)
Secretary - Kathy Dewitt (Team_State)
Thanks to all the SLAGA members who voted! You've chosen a talented Board of Directors, and we're looking forward to a great year ahead!
WTWWTW's Signature Micro Container
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- Hits: 3948
2012 SLAGA Fall Picnic
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- Hits: 2920
Come back to Columbia IL for the SLAGA Fall Potluck Picnic.
The date is Saturday September 29th, 2012;
10:30 til whenever we've done it all.
Meet at Bohm-Schuhkraft Park for caching fun and games. Enjoy the potluck lunch (we'll provide burgers, brats and hot dogs), log a few finds, move some travel bugs, say hi to old and new friends and have an awesome day caching.
SLAGA will provide hot dogs, hamburgers and brats along with the buns, condiments, paperware and utensils. Bring your own drinks and a dish to share. Let us know your meat preferences and what you'd like to share (salads, sides and desserts) when you sign up. We always need non-dessert items. Want to help out the day of the event? Sign up for that too.
Prices: ADULTS $5; KIDS 5-12 $2; dogs and kids under 5 are free.
Schedule of events:
Set up 9:30
Registration 10:30
Lunch begins at 1:00; ends when the food's gone
SLAGA business meeting and awards 1:45.
SLAGA members who have logged their 100th, 500th, 1000th, and 5000th caches will be honored with Milestone Awards. Notify This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. OR on the SLAGA webpage by August 25th!
Games and Silent Auction begin when you register and auction items are placed on the table. The Auction table will close at 3pm SHARP. Game and auction winners will be announced at 3:30pm.
50-50 drawing: be there to win!
Tower Rock - Film at 11!
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- Written by Tom Wolpert
- Hits: 3137
SLAGA Members Take on Tower Rock
Special to SLAGA
On Saturday, August 4, several SLAGA members and other local cachers took on Tower Rock by kayak. Your reporter is a little fuzzy on just how this amazing adventure came to pass. The logs, pictures and professional video (yes, really!) tell only part of the story. What we do know is that Gone2theDogs, Quailman2, McRob&the2Hero's and 60CGarsee invaded Tower Rock using kayaks provided by Gone2theDogs. Apparently Mr. Gone2theDogs made the trip out and back multiple times in order to individually accompany each of the other cachers - none of whom had previous kayaking experience.
We have it on good authority that Mrs. Quailman2 was feerless in the face of the climb up the vertical face of Tower Rock. We can believe that ;)
All of the cachers successfully found the traditional cache, La Roche de la Croix, on the top of tower rock. At the same time, the others also snagged Gone2theDogs' Earth cache, Tower Rock. Local historian, photographer and videographer Ken Steinhoff was on hand to record the proceedings for posterity. You can view his video and pictures on his web site.
Congratulations to all the cachers who made it to the top. And thanks to Ken Steinhoff for his coverage!
Really folks, you have to see this rock to believe it!
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