2020_Leap_Day SLAGA_at_Ted_Drewes_2021 summer_picnic_2022 rich-Charolette-2014 Grilling_Meat 2022_Fall_Picnic_Group 2022_Fall_Picnic_2 SLAGA_Bellefontaine_CITO_Fall_2022 SLAGA_Christmas_Party_2022 Cachemas_2022_Final SLAGA_at_GeoWoodstock_2023 geo-101-class-maplewood-4 IMG_7656 2024NYD_Hike SLAGA_Board_Choke Spring_Picnic_2024
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2020 Leap Day Flash Mob

SLAGA at Ted Drewes - 2021

Summer Picnic 2022

Rich & Charlotte - a couple of the founding members

Grilling Meat for the 2022 Fall Picnic

2022 Fall Picnic

Checking for new cache notifications

Bellefontaine CITO November 2022

2022 SLAGA Christmas Party

Cachemas 2022 Bonus Day

SLAGA at GeoWoodstock 2023

Geocaching 101 Class at Maplewood Library

GeoGolf 2023

2024 New Years Day Hike

Choking the life out of our president

2024 SLAGA Spring Picnic

Picnic group photo

What better way to celebrate the changing of seasons than by joining geofriends for a picnic outdoors!  The SLAGA Fall Picnic was held Saturday, October 19th at the Kirkwood City Park and was hosted by SLAGA's own Treasurer nan-d1955. The day's festivities included a 50-50 drawing, Survey drawing, Geo Bingo, a Travel Bug Table, Premium Member drawing, and Closest to the Pin contest. While that fun was going on, wonderful volunteers cooked brats, burgers and hotdogs to accompany the many delicious side dishes, salads and desserts brought and shared by the many attendees.  This Fall picnic was a grand success due to the wonderful efforts of the CO, the SLAGA board members and the volunteers listed here:

  • Setup: arabbit&ubuck; MrsSpongy; Strider; Crowesfeat30; Spiritwolf922
  • Cooks: Tricks33 (Dad); Uga_Mom; DFox88
  • Registration: nan-d1955; MrsSpongy
  • 50-50 Ticket Sales: Loonwoman; bluedaisy
  • Travel Bug Monitor: Breezy406
  • GeoBingo: 6dancer; 3nina
  • Closest to the Pin: Strider
  • Clean up: arabbit&ubuck; MrsSpongy


Picnic registration   Picnic cooks  Picnic diners


After enjoying the fun activities, delicious food and genuine camaraderie, it was time for our SLAGA board President cootie_man (Michael) to step up to the mic.  He announced recent SLAGA activites and displayed the new SLAGA Mascot "Louie the Lion" to those in attendence, with congrats to designer denmother (Laurie).  He then fielded a few questions and comments, and notified attendees of upcoming events.  He also congratulated the year-long grand prize Adventure Awaits winners, before handing the mic over to our Vice President GeoKid12 (Robert).  Robert introduced and handed out awards to the geocaching milestone recipients for their amazing feats in geocaching. The board then distributed prizes to the winners of all the picnic activities.  And the recipients/winners are:





 Rouseabouts Adv Awaits Grand Prize 

ROUSEABOUTS (Dawn and Lee)



 25,000 FINDS

Jason 25000 Finds    Jan 25000 Finds

C3GPS (Jason)  &  JanS03 (Jan)


10,000 FINDS

Sandy milestone     BLUEBEADMAN slaga

Breezy406 (Sandy) BlueBeadMan (Jeff)


5,000 FINDS

Stacey milestone    Lena milestone

StaceyBassoon (Stacey) & brantole (Lena)       



Mary milestone     Loon milestone

MJK_Cache_Dragon (Mary),  Loonwoman (Eunice)


Jennibear22 (Jennifer) and Bear747 (Mary) - not in attendance



Loonwoman (pictured above) & Bear747 (Mary) and Judious1978 (Randal) not in attendance 


50/50 WINNER

Pam 5050

bluedaisy (Pam)




Gift Card winners group

Winners of $10 gift cards each, pictured left to right are: arabbit&ubuck (GeoBingo), How-D (GeoBingo), Karen-Lonnie (Survey drawing), PaulGracie (Premium member drawing), Crowesfeat30 (Closest to the Pin), and Vagablonde (Premium member drawing).  Not pictured were Trekto (Premium member drawing) and Team DLADL (GeoBingo). 


Fall picnic CO Nan extends her thanks to "all who stepped up to volunteer when [she] put out the call for help. SLAGA Picnics are fun, but take lots of hands to make it enjoyable for all."  And if you were unable to attend this one, then check out 'Upcoming Events' on the website and plan to join the SLAGA family at another event soon.  Happy Fall Y'all !