From a relaxing stroll around the farm visiting the animals, to the hustle and bustle of activities going on at the park shelter, the SLAGA Spring Picnic 2024 was a grand success! The event was held at Willoughby Heritage Farm and Conservation Reserve in Collinsville on a beautiful sunny Saturday (April 20) with cool spring breezes, and was hosted by mathmanbill (William Gottschalk).
SLAGA provided hamburgers, brats, and hotdogs, along with plates, napkins and utensils as always, while attendees brought delicious and varied side dishes, snacks and desserts to share with all. There was the usual silent auction table and the 50/50 raffle, but our host, mathmanbill, also mixed things up a bit. He had a geo-style scavenger hunt around the grounds and a TOTT skills contest too. He also placed two additional caches onsite for those wanting to solve a cypher, take wooded hikes, and use a TOTT to gain their smilies. Plenty of fun for participants indeed!
Along with the fun and games and great meal, there were important SLAGA announcements made, Travel Bug RACE trackables collected, and milestone and premium member awards announced. The SLAGA MASCOT and NAME entries to date were revealed and the decision to extend that contest was decided. New deadline to submit is now May 19th, so get your creative juices flowing. One official announcement overlooked was the call for SLAGA board nominees for the positions of President and one Vice President for the upcoming term. An email was sent member-wide regarding this, so please check your inbox and submit your nominations if you choose.
Following are the Milestone recipients, and winners for the Premium Member drawing, 50/50 raffle, Scavenger Hunt. and TOTT contest winners.
Rouseabouts (Lee and Dawn Rouse)
500 Finds Award
MossBoss (Jeremy Bozarth)
500 and 1000 Finds Awards
($25 Gift Card Prize Each)
fearlessknits (Michelle Stephenson)
TerriBikes+ (Terri Nealon)
Iamgrateful (Cynthia Plazier)
MJK_Cache_Dragon (Mary Koester)
Won $64
($10 Gift Card Prize Each)
SugrSkulz (Karen McKay)
mathmanbill's HS student
paulgracie (Paul Williams)
($10 Gift Card Prize)
JoeBum (Drew Gourley)
To all the volunteers and board members present, thank you sincerely. Our President cootie_man (Michael Smilth) and the CO mathmanbill (William Gottschalk) both set up and cleaned up after the event venue nicely. Terribikes+ (Terri Nealon) worked at the Attendance Table getting attendees logged in, selling travelbugs and handing out scavenger hunt forms. Geocacher 3nina (Millie Nagel) did a fine job selling the 50/50 raffle tickets throughout the crowd. NEgirl55 (Carol Sanders) managed the silent auction table wonderfully. Volunteer 6dancer (Denise Muskopf) was our travel bug discover/retrieve board monitor, while HobbitTaz (Mark Derr) collected the upcoming racing trackables. Strider (Jim Greene) collected and scored the scavenger hunt forms and Gisstoddt and Drivermom (Todd and Yvonne Turner) manned the TOTT Skills game. Our amazing grill cooks turtleladi1020nhubbs (Lynette and Mark Redenbeaux) were spectacular at their barbecuing skills once again.