The month of December started with a bang when geofriends gathered at the "Christmas Bash in SLAGA-Land" Event held on December 7 at Sugarfire Smokehouse in Arnold, MO. This merry event was hosted by Nan (nan-d1955) and accompanied by her jolly elves, Carolyn (MrsSpongy), Sandy (Swelgus), Susan (Treasure Isle); Sandy and Mike (Breezy406); Lynette and Mark (Turtleladi1020nhubs). Attendees enjoyed delicious food, fun and fellowship. And one in attendence, Jan S. (JanS03), was presented with her 25,000 finds jacket to a rousing round of applause! (Her friend Sandy happened to have worn hers that day too.)
Some of the event fun included the UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER CONTEST. Several attendees wore their ugly Christmas sweaters to the event and had to mingle so people could admire their sweaters. Everyone voted by ballot and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners were announced. This year's Ugly Sweater winners were:
1st place to “Hubs” (Mark R.) $25 Panera gift card
2nd place to “BAPrn" (Barbara P.) $10 Burger King gift card
3rd place to “NEgirl55" (Carol S.) $10 Taco Bell gift card
While cachers always have a great time socializing, they are also very generous and kind folks. At this event non-perishable food items and toys were collected and given to Circle of Concern Food Pantry and Social Services Agency. In total, 220 pounds of food for the pantry and 68 toys/gifts for children were donated this year. These contributions really make a difference to families in need, not just during the holidays but year round. In appreciation, Nan gave treat bags to those that contributed this year.
The event was a grand success and full of merriment! There were tales of your 2024 caching trips as well as some upcoming 2025 adventures. Some traded travel bugs at the event. Chuckles over ugly sweaters could be heard and good ole holiday cheer was shared by all in attendance. "The food was tasty, converstation merry, and everyone really seemed to be in a festive mood," commented the hostess, Nan. She thanks all who attended and donated charitable items, those who participated in the ugly sweater contest, all her elves, and those who helped box up the food and toys and load the cars.