SLAGA Road Trips
Decatur IL
When: August 21 - 23, 2015
Trip Leader: Laura Million
Depart from Location: Collinsville, IL: Walmart Parking Lot
Depart date/time: August 21st 7:00 PM sharp
Approximate return date/time: August 23rd 7:30 pm
Actual departure and arrival times will be finalized when we know who is interested in going.
Join us in August for an "End of Summer" road trip to Decatur IL. We will meet with CIGA members for breakfast at the Downtown Decatur Cafe on Saturday Morning 7am. See event page for more information at: After breakfast we will do the "Country Roads Take Me Home" series just southwest of Decatur. There are lots of quick country caches and lots of urban caches to please everyone.
If interested, contact Trip Leader, Laura Million (2_cats) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..