A total of 14 four-person teams participated in the Grave Hop Road Rally on Saturday, November 15. This was the first time that L Frank and I hosted this type of event. We had so much fun planning for the road rally, and then hearing about your adventures and seeing your "scavenger hunt" photographs!
All of the teams left from the breakfast event (GC5FJQB) at 7:30 am and had five hours to complete the rally. Each team was give the coordinates to the starting points of 14 different tasks within 10 different cemeteries, each team starting with a different task. Each team also had a list of items to find in the cemeteries that would earn them bonus points. To earn points for the tasks and bonus items, the teams had to photograph all four teammates completing a task or standing next to a bonus item. (Any part of the team members' bodies was acceptable!) Eight teams completed all the tasks, but only four of those teams came up with all the correct answers!
Here are the results:
1st Place = Team # 9 - Swelgus, WadeLori, Kimberteacher, Moonchild1800 - 4405 points
2nd Place = Team # 14 - SGTMTA, Rogbarn, Nan-d1955 - 4115 points
3rd Place = Team # 11 - CKCCachers - 4040 points
4th Place = Team # 4 - Perknstein, Indyana Jones - 3910 points
5th Place = Team # 1 - Quailman2, AFBEE, Geowench - 3860 points
6th Place = Team # 12 - SWAseeker, Shrempa, Spongy163 - 3820 points
7th Place = Team # 10 - Team State, Strider, Crowesfeat30, cmd1328 -3680 points
8th Place = Team # 2 - Brantole, Robcyn, Geogadabout - 3525 points
9th Place = Team # 5 - Major Boothroyd, Keith Chapman, Camaro lovers - 3470 points
10th Place = Team # 8 - auntsis, star keys, Besties, Key-star - 3405 points
11th Place = Team # 6 - eravau, Pastor G, TWolpert -3290 points
12th Place =Team # 3 - Pntball, Mamalu, excagirl - 3185 points
13th Place = Team # 13 - Lou's GMA, 2dogohana, Mixed Breed, Diceman71 - 2840 points
14th Place = Team # 7 - BMZdaddy - 2120 points
Congratulations to the winning teams, and thanks to everyone who participated!